Tomcat 9.7 Owners




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TomCat 9.7 Owners -- Members List

This page identifies those members who expressed a wish to have a TomCat 9.7 owner`s web site.  Conversely, the absence of owner identification may simply indicate that the owners of these hulls have not been contacted and made aware of the existence of this web site. 

This page lists the known boats produced to date.  More details concerning custom features is provided on the Enhancements page.  A hyperlink to individual member web pages can be reached by clicking on the hull number. 

Hull Name Home Port Sailing Area Owners Custom Features
Hull #1 Tango Belleville, Ontario, CA Lake Ontario Ted & Kerry Electric windlass,
Hull #2 Catalyst Sandusky, Ohio, USA Lake Erie Dave & Pam Hard bimini
Hull #3 Godspeed Sassafras River, Maryland, USA Chesapeake Bay Bob K.  
Hull #4          
Hull #5          
Hull #6 Dash Grand Marais, Minnesota, USA Lake Superior Ted S. Multiple features
Hull #7          
Hull #8 Bastet Miami, Florida, USA Florida Doug Diesel generator, extended bimini
Hull #9          
Hull #10          
Hull #11          
Hull #12          
Hull #13 Special Ks Bourne, Massachusetts, USA Buzzards Bay Bob & Nancy  

Many boats have custom features that are unique to their boats.  A more detailed description of the sail package, options  and notes about any customization done by individual owners is provided on the enhancements page.  Members of the public who are considering the acquisition of a TomCat 9.7 sailboat may find this information useful. 

Hulls #1 and #2 were the prototypes used to create molds for subsequent production models.  These boats differ in construction in that they were laid up by hand using epoxy based materials versus the traditional fiberglass/gelcoat used for production boats.