This web site is registered to the TomCat 9.7 Owner's Association. It is an unincorporated association that operates independently of the manufacturer. Information presented in this web site is contributed by individual boat owners.
This site was created to enable owners of a TomCat 9.7 catamaran sailboat to exchange information about their boats, including enhancements, custom modifications, recommended changes, styling, materials and travels. Portions of the web site may be restricted to association members.
Where common problems are experienced, the builder will be invited to provide advice on recommended practices that will benefit all owners. When such advice is received, the source will be clearly indicated.
The photograph shown on the main page of this web site is used with the
permission of TomCat Boats, and was taken by David Crowder, an employee who
worked at TomCat Boats. This photo was taken during water trials on Lake
Simcoe, Ontario, Canada in October 2003.
The builder's official web site may be found via the above link to TomCat Boats.
TomCat boats are built at their plant located in Bradford, Ontario, Canada.
Other photographs that appear in this web site were contributed by individual boat owners.